Winter Shows

I’m so thrilled to be included in the Small Works Holiday show at Pause Gallery in Troy, New York. I’ll have five small paintings there and some prints. Pause is a newish gallery and features a beautifully curated collection of fine crafts and jewelry. It’s hard for local retail and harder still for galleries, so I encourage you to stop by. Besides its regular hours, the gallery will have a special event on the evening of November 29 (Troy Night Out) and during the Victorian Stroll on December 8.

I’m also participating in the Saratoga Arts Members Show, which runs through January 4. It’s an eclectic show with professional, student, and amateur artists. I’ll be showing a painting I’ve been wanting to paint for awhile in memory of my dear sister-in-law, Linda Ellett. This is a painting of sunflower “volunteers” from seeds dropped at the bird feeders. Stop by at the Opening reception and holiday potluck on Saturday, December 7 from 6-8 pm.

Sunflower volunteers. Oil on canvas 11 x 14.

Sunflower volunteers. Oil on canvas 11 x 14.